Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I had all these dreams prior to the actual voting date of Nov. 8th –.. These dreams were very short /clear and straight to the point. Not a lot of action.I should posted these as soon as I had the dreams ...but it's a thing called procrastination that I have been working on overcoming. 

1st Dream- I had this dream in the later part of October
In this dream it was shown to me that there are 2 Hillary Clinton's or clones so to speak.In the dream someone was showing me documentation and videos of the day that Hillary fell sick during the 9/11 memorial service this year. that there was a clone waiting for her so she could be replaced. The clones were dressed alike, look alike but one was much smaller in height in size.  

This dream was more of a confirmation for me because I had already been researching clones/doubles etc..so it was just about being for sure in the information. I would suggest people doing their own research on clones and seek God for wisdom.


2nd Dream- I had this dream a week before election date
In this dream I the votes being counted on Election Day and the numbers were in red. I saw numbers being switch around behind the scenes but the ending results was Trump won.

I know there was some false polling and election fraud cases in some counties for those who were voting for Trump. 

3rd Dream- I had this dream a day before election
This was the most complexing dream to me.
In this dream Trump had won the election and there were thousands of people celebrating his victory. The dream then jumped to his inauguration day and people were happy-still celebrating waiting on him to show up to be sworn in. Time went on and people were getting worried starting to lose patience. I went and asked Trump why are you not going to get inaugurated and he said,” I will not be getting inaugurated nor will I become president because I am a robot”.

This is a photo I found on the internet to help show how the masses were cheering and having a celebration win Trump won. 

This is the only photo I could find on the internet--that would give somewhat the idea of how people were all just standing and waiting for Trump to get in the office. There were thousands of people of all sex and races.The people were all looking in the same direction waiting for something to happen. It seems like the masses are under mind control-waiting on a savior to help them when there is only one who can save. JESUS

When I woke up I instantly felt like something was going to happen and that no matter if he won there will still be something going on behind the scenes that the average person that is spiritual asleep will not know about. My current interpretations of this dream are:

1. Trump will be controlled from the White House either voluntary or involuntary thus meaning that he is not really in the white house but just a stand-in taking orders?.    

2.Something will happen causing the inauguration or the next presidency to be annulled or on hold indefinitely.

     I am not saying these dreams are prophetic or will take place verbatim--but God does give me dreams and I believe that he is definitely saying something.

    Please pray and stay vigilant. Don't get caught in the hype of this election because it is something bigger going on behind the scenes. God wants up totally dependent on him and seeking him for his grace/mercy and direction. Look past the Main stream media and what's on television--seek God for answers and direction.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


My beloved dog who I miss so much, more than words can described pass away due to liver failure January 1,2016. 6 months prior to her death I had vision that she would be in heaven, but did not accept this as prophecy until after she passed.

I was at the home that I grew up in hanging out with a couple of friends and my mother, all of the sudden there were was a military attack and these men were breaking into people's home to take them to FEMA Camp (or something along those lines). I told everyone in the house we have to go out the window and take the route that Holy Spirit gives us. No one would listen and they stayed at the house I left everyone and went out the window... halfway out  the window I realized I forgot Denim (my dog) and wanted to go back and get her. God told me NO! very firmly and he told me verbatim,"Denim will be ok you must go". Once outside I started to fly and got involved with some battling that I don't remember. All of the sudden I fell off a building back first and had no control of my body, I remember praying while going down and I landed on my mother's living room floor face up.When I opened my eyes I saw Gold everything it was AMAZING!!..Everything in the room was gold: gold tables,thousands of gold necklaces,rings, mirrors, lamps, chairs,couches, gold sparkles, gold lighting. It was so much gold that the room was extremely bright from the gold alone. All of the sudden Denim (my dog) came from around this gold table and she was extremely white and fluffy and looked so calm and happy, she walked to me and just stood by me like she had been waiting on me and I was so happy to see her!!. 

I told a fellow sister in Christ my dream the next day and she told me that I was in Heaven and I was so upset at her because I didn't want to hear that, I wanted to hear that Denim liver would be healed and she would be ok in the physical realm. When God told me that Denim was going to be okay and to leave her he was letting me that we will be apart and I must let her go..BUT she will be more than okay..SHE IS WITH JESUS IN HEAVEN..waiting on me

When I get sad thinking about her I remember this dream! I pray this helps someone missing their baby.



I had a dream that I was at some big event; maybe a football game or something like that. I remember looking around and paying close attention to my surroundings. (Which is something I always do). I saw this man wearing a FBI or CIA rain jacket directing traffic in the arena. 

Then the dream then jumped to what looked like an historic government building like a courthouse. I was walking to the door and the same man from the arena was standing there and:

 I said "Hello" to him and he said, "how do you know me?" I replied, I remember you from the arena, you were there earlier directing traffic. I then knew that he was upset that I remembered him, he then got on the walkie talkie to tell his team that I remembered him. He said, I was the only person who remembered him and I needed to come with him",,I told him "no" very stern and this caused a back and forth between us. I then realize he was a demon and he didnt want me to know who/what he was as they were on a mission. I started to walk aaway and the Holy Spiirt told me to bind him up in the name of Jesus, as I was walking a way about four more men drove up in a older four door car and they jumped out to get me. The man walked to me and the Holy spirit told me to look him in his eyes while speaking in tongue under my breath. When I started to do so his eyes turned red and had a firey glare to them. It was an extrememly evil look, I started to say I bind you in the name of Jesus, followed by saying the Blood of Jesus He finally let me loose and walked away.

Interpretation so far:

There are actual demons.reptilians or whatever you may want to call them roaming the earth and everyone/thing is not what they seem. You must always stay covered with the Blood of Jesus, and bind all spiritual wickedness wherever you go. 

Never do anything within your own strength it's all under the power of Jesus, when you starting using your own flesh you will lose each time.

Always pay attention to your surrounding when out in the world no matter where. Grocery store, mall, driving, resturants etc.. I have been out a many of times and was able to pick up if a person was a witch, demon, or just not right and when I sense this I start praying in tongues, binding the demons and loosing the power of the holy spirit and angels, or just covering the place with the blood of jesus

I also believe that when I receive these dreams it is spiritual training. 

If anyone has any input..please share. 

Father I cover this blog with the Blood of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


A few nights ago I had a dream that I was volunteering at some place that did security work. There was a white man dress in security attire giving me all the directions for the night as I was working an overnight shift. The security guy told me:

To be sure and watch the door to the outer room because there are wildlife animals being held here and they are very smart and can open and unlock doors. I remember thinking okay???,,why is there wild animals here.

He then left and I started watching TV while laying on the sofa couch and then all the sudden the door open and I saw this beautiful cheetah whom I knew opened that door. In the dream the Holy Spirit advised me to be very quiet and not to move, I watched the cheetah just play and walk around until he vanished.

Within what seemed like a few minutes I looked up and saw two baby brown bear cubs playing with each other and I remember thinking they are so cute. Suddenly I saw this huge Grizzly bear rise up and it was their mother, she was HUGH and brown. When she laid her eyes on me she started to growl and gallop towards me. At that exact moment I heard the Holy Spirit/God tell me:

"This is a dream, you are safe and nothing will happen to you just listen to what I say and at any moment when you are unable to handle this dream just wake up" I remember saying yes telepathically. At that moment I was laying on the couch and  this huge bear was standing over me growling. I continue to say the Blood of Jesus and began speaking in tongues. It seem like three things were happening simultaneously--1. God saying you are safe I am with you 2. The Bear growling while sniffing me 3. Me speaking in tongues/while saying the blood of Jesus.

I told God telepathically that I could feel his growl and things seem to real. Suddenly the bear started smelling my hair and he put his noise in my scalp and started growling louder. It was so real and this bear was so loud that I could actually feel/smell her breath and feel his growls...When I think of this dream today I can still feel and hear the growl. At that moment I told God I couldn't do it and I had to get up. I then rose up in my bed.

My interpretation so far:

Grizzly bears can be very dangerous animals, a mother bear while caring for her cubs will by any means protect her young. This bear was already on defense mode the moment she saw me because of her cubs.
In my dream interpretation book that I use as a study guide states that bears  can be interpreted as: evil forces /Russia/Anti-Christ/Iran/Territorial Spirit/Enemy.

In the dream God told me that this was training and I would not be harmed and he gave me directions to get through this dream.
I believe this was spiritual training to increase my faith to take authorities and dominion over the things in  this world. This dream can also be training to have the faith and not to fear the NWO, war, government etc.. Because their is POWER in the BLOOD

Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to read on serpents and scorpion, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

I believe God had given us authority over the beast of this world but we have to be righteous,full of faith, and holy.

I have been seeking God for a deeper understanding on dreams because I know that not all dreams are just dreams. Some of my dreams seem to be real but just in another realm, but I haven't quite figure out how to explain this.

Father I cover this blog post with the blood of jesus

Monday, September 5, 2016


I remember in 2010 driving down a two lane road near some bad construction. It was raining very bad that day and the road was pretty nasty. I remember going through the green light and a car was coming at least 40 mph in the wrong lane coming towards me. There were traffic barricades and work zone construction cones on each side of the road and cars coming from each direction. 

I knew at that moment I was about to wreck, I knew not to hit the brakes as it would make it worst with the road conditions. I can't quite recall but I believe I said Jesus at that moment I saw a light figure coming out of the sky very fast and within a blink of eye the angel pushed the other driver's car back into his correct lane!..

I could not believe what I just saw, and I knew it was angel. The angel had huge wings and was almost seem transparent as though he was made of clouds. I couldn't see features like a nose,eyes or lips etc..I could only see the silhouette; The angel was massive it almost seem to be a giant, his feet alone could have crushed my car.

I remember going home and calling my friend and telling her what just happened, I was in a state of shock, I just could not believe that I  just saw an angel. Sometimes it takes these type of occurrences to  reassure your faith and from that day on it could never be shaken. I pray that God would bless me with drawing skills so that I could draw my visions for you, but drawing is not my gift so all I have is this blog post.

God is good and so merciful and he loves his children. God loves us so much that he has angels assigned to us for protection and that day I saw one and will never forget. I know that if that angel would not have intervened that would have been a fatal wreck. 

Father in the name of Jesus I cover this blog with the blood of jesus, and bind the spirit of doubt and any naysayers. Father I ask that you send the right person to this blog post to read and have a good understanding.

In the name of Jesus

Saturday, September 3, 2016


I had a night vision a couple of years back of what happens in the spiritual realm at night.

I don't remember where I was at in the dream  but this man whom was about 5'10, white skin, scruffy facial hair with ultra yellow blonde hair, picked me up in the air and somehow I landed perfectly on his back. Within a flash he started flying in the air. The sky was extremely pitch dark but I could see the skyline of the city.

I kept thinking to myself where in the world am I or where am I going. Although I didn't know who this man was I felt safe with him and I wasn't concern about my well-being. I should also point out that at this moment while flying I didn't know he was an angel.

While the angel was flying he was looking around as though he was searching for something or someone, he then said their they are, I remember thinking who are they??..Within a second he instantly starting flying down and we landed at the top of a building that looked like it would have been downtown. We were at the very top of  a building in the parking garage. Once we landed  it looked like a sense out of the Matrix Movie, that is the best way I can describe what I saw. These men all looked like normal humans but they were doing extremely high jumps at in the air, flips,  their punch and kicks had so much power  and force it seemed to knock the other person across the parking lot. While they were fighting I remember saying these men are not human and this is supernatural. I noticed that the cars were driving on the highway, people were parking their cars in the parking lot but no one could see what was going on.

Everything happen so fast that I couldn't believe what was happening. I only could just stand and look at what was going on. I remember saying to myself this is what goes on in the spiritual world. Within a blink of an eye I woke up.

Although we cant physically see what's going on, there is always something going on in the spiritual realm. Whether angels are fighting on our behalf, or having spiritual battles among themselves since there are good and bad angles.

In the Book of Daniel 10:13  The angel told Daniel that he was held up by the prince of the Persian and needed Michael the chief prince to help him. Where did this happen? Did anyone see this hold up take place? After having my vision this all makes since to me now. These battles could be taking right in your home but on another realm.

In the book of Enoch he goes into depth with the different Angels and their assigned authority. Angels are assigned to the solar system, sun, moon, wind, people and judgement. They are assigned to us and fight for us.

I would suggest that everyone see's the movie Divination, which came out in 2011, this movie is based on spiritual warfare on the spiritual realm.  It's an excellent movie to get a better understanding of the world we can't see.

Again I would like to reiterate..I'm not here to win blogger of the year. I am only here to share my dreams and whatever the Holy Spirit places on my heart and fingers to type. So please take focus on what is being written and not how. you may see many typos and errors but the message is very understandable.

Father in the name of Jesus I cover this blog post with the blood of Jesus. I bind all interference and discord from this blog and loose the power of holy spirit and the gift of understanding. 

In Jesus name Amen.
If you have questions please feel free to email me

Friday, September 2, 2016


In 1997 I had another spiritual warfare dream. The word dream is only for blogging sake. I know with out a shadow of any doubt that these occurrences are spiritual and supernatural so they dont occur in this realm so although I was sleep physically sleep,my spirit man was in battle,

I remember Satan walking into my room and standing over me, words were exchanged ( I don't remember the discussion). Within the next second he proceeded to roughly handle me throwing me around the bed and on the floor. At one point I remember him dragging me by my feet to the end and pushing me back to the top of my bed making me continually hit my head on my headboard. At that point I felt helpless and didn't know what to do. 

I tried to fight back but this only made it worse. It seem like he was moving so fast I could not keep up with which direction he was taking me or for what he was going to do next. I screamed for my mother but I knew no one could hear me. I recalled the room being lit with some light but I'm not for sure where this light came from since my room was dark. Although there was light I could never see his face or body, not even a silhouette of a figure; I just knew it was Satan. 

I don't know how long this went on, to me it seem like forever, I just remember waking up with my head hanging off the left side of my bed on my nightstand next to my little burgundy stereo. I looked around and was so confused and scared as I didn't  know what happened or why it happened.

This all before I knew that ONLY thru the BLOOD OF JESUS can you win any battle with the he enemy. The moment I realized that this was a demonic attach I should instantly said IN THE NAME OF JESUS I DEMAND YOU TO LEAVE ME KNOW IN JESUS NAME...even if you are so scared and don't know what to say you can scream JESUS...JESUS ..JESUS or think his name call him the best way you can, he will always come.

Father In the Name of Jesus I pray this blog find your people who are searching for understanding. I pray that the right person reads this blog and share with other people. I bind every demonic interference trying to block this blog from being shown. I cover this blog with the blood of Jesus who who ever is reading it. In Jesus Name.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016


In 2013 around 4 am I was taken to the Lake of Fire. I would have to say this was the 3rd most scariest thing I have ever experience. I remembering feeling myself  rising out of my bed while looking down and seeing my body laying in the bed. I was thinking what is happening all while still staying a float in air.

 Instantly I floated out of my bedroom and landed in a huge open house. This house was extremely big and seem to be a historic type home. I remember seeing people in the house, but now sure what they were doing. I also saw a long case of stairs along the wall, I then looked up and noticed that the clock on the said 10:00 on the dot. Since the clock was a analog I was unable to figure if it was referring to am or pm.

While in this house I seem to be just wondering around on foot until I was called to go out side to the back I saw another clock while walking out that said 11:00 again I was unable to tell what time of the day this was referring to.

I was then somehow lifted up into the air and began floating again. I know sometime we can have flying dreams but this was not flying I was actually floating while standing. Normally if I am flying while dreaming its a feeling of love,strength, and joy..not the case this time. I instantly felt afraid and terrified. While floating I remember thinking/saying "Please God don't drop me", "If I fall I will die", "I am so scared".These are feelings I still can feel while typing this blog post, I now know that the feelings I felt at that moment were because the love of God was not there or maybe a feeling of doom.

While floating in the air the sky turned jet night black without a single star in the sky. This was a dark that I really cant put into words. This dark was terror,desolation and fear. I remember floating extremely fast without any control of my own. I could tell that I was on a mission to a place and felt like there was no returning. 

I then floated to a massive body of  black still water. When I landed over the water I came to complete pause and literally dangled over the water. There was no sound, no movement,no wind,no animals,no trees, no NOTHING..It was just me and this body of water. The body of water was so big that it had no end. The water was just as dark as the sky but there was still some light. I said to God "Please don't drop me",I knew that if he dropped me I would never return, that this would be my  death. I remember God talking to me but I couldn't comprehend because I was so scared. He then told me that I would not be dropped. I would also like to point out that GOD was very audible.

God then told me this was the lake of fire and this was his judgment. All of the sudden I saw Beyonce floating towards me over the water . Her hair was down, she had red lipstick on with black band aides under her eye. I believe at this moment  God was showing me a vision-- so me and Beyonce had no interaction. Beyonce then paused and dangled over  the water. I heard God audible say "All the things you have and you can not even give me a some of your time, or even worship me. I felt all the emotion that God had regarding how we treat him, his laws, and his commandments. God is not happy with the people of world.

 I remember knowing why Beyonce was at the Lake of Fire. All the money,fame,fortune was leading her straight to Hell. God will judge people with a platform as big as Beyonce for what they did or didn't do with that platform. I just keep looking at here like "oh no she is about to be dropped in that lake of fire". It seem like all at once I began floating again and within a matter of seconds I was back in my bed. I felt my self back in my body and I instantly jumped up. I had never been so happy to wake up and see that I was still here on this earth with another day of his grace.. 

Within a couple of days after that vision Beyonce  announced that she would be performing for SuperBowl XLVII and I noticed that in here Superbowl ad picture she had the same two black ban-aid under her eye's that I saw in my vision. I knew at that moment that what I saw was real and from GOD.

I believe that there is a serious battle for Beyonce and we must keep her lifted in prayer, that she will come to God and leave her life that she knows now behind. It wont be worth it in the end. I use to be a huge fan of Beyonce and would even get request to perform her songs in Karaoke, but as I continue to grow in God I found my self not like any of music or feeling convicted for listening to it. 

Im still not exactly sure what the time on the clocks meant. but I have still been researching when I feel led to. Below are some great info links from other's who have broken down the meaning of these numbers

The Number 10 represents:

The Number 11 represents:

I also believe that the Lake Of Fire is ready and waiting which is why the water was black and still,but after his judgement the fire will be activated. This is just my understanding what I saw

If anyone reading this would like to add to this or give another take on my interpretation please do. 

Im going to expose the enemy right now:
I had all my dreams on a tape recorder and the day I started this blog the volume on my recorder broken. I know it was the enemy because he didn't want me to start this blog and obey GOD. So a lot of dreams or foggy because I have had so many I just cant keep up with them by memory alone .Satan you will loose my recorder In the Name of Jesus. In the meantime I am trusting God to annoint my memory

In the name of Jesus.

Saturday, March 26, 2016


Back in 1997 when I was 17 years old  I had an experience that I will never in life forget! After my vision of hell it took me months to even sleep alone. I remember staying on the phone with my boyfriend until the weee hours of the morning or until he would fall asleep on the phone. I would sometimes run and get in the bed with my mom thinking that this would somehow protect me from Hell. What I didn't know back then was only THE BLOOD OF JESUS could protect me.


While I was sleep I remember waking up to noise to my room. When I sat up I saw at least 12 small demons surrounding my bed. I was looking around like am I dreaming>!?What is happening? I was very aware of my surroundings, I knew I was in my room, I knew my mom was in  her bedroom, I also knew that she was unaware of what was going on in my room.

The demons where all identical and did everything in unison. These demons were at least 3-4 ft tall. They were fat and round,with demonic monster looking faces. The best description I can give would be demonic looking munchkins. All of these demons had on white long robes  with red trimmings along with a Capirote KKK Hats. Each demon held long wood log sticks with fire flames coming from the top of the stick in their left hand. The fire flame was so bright my room was lit up in flames. I remember trying to find a way to run out of my room but the demons completely had my bed surrounded. 

The demons were chatting and talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Demons are thousands of years old so I really believe that have different languages I also believe that depending on their dimension it would be hard to comprehend what the are saying. It sounded like a bunch of garbling in high tones. I remember thinking to myself I am going to die. I was so afraid and had no clue what to do. Being raised baptist I was never taught about the Power of The Blood of Jesus, nor was I taught about demons or anything related to spiritual warfare. 

While I was sitting on my bad just praying to God like help me please. Everything vanished and it went completely dark.At that moment I ran in the bed with my mom. I am convinced that night that an angel intervened on my behalf. It was truly the grace of God that covered my this night. God had plans for me then and he wanted me to go through everything that I went through for a reason. Back then I had no clue what ride I was in for, this experience was just 2nd out of many many more to come. Even to this day I am still experiencing and learning.

If you ever experience a demonic attack in a dream/vision or even if they manifest in flesh. You don't need spiritually training or a special tool. Just say IN THE NAME OF JESUS I DEMAND YOU TO LEAVE MY DREAM AND PRESENCE .Just continue to say this until they are gone. Once you get to have more dreams and more experiences you will become more aware of your surroundings and whats happening at that moment and you will be able to add more to your prayer,but if you are new to spiritual warfare THE BLOOD works every-time

Check out the website DEMONBUSTERS for spiritual warfare prayers lot of information regarding Demons

Below is a picture I tried to draw of that night. As you can see drawing is not my calling..but I feel drawing this image would help me and those reading 

Excuse all typos..

In the name of Jesus

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Hello. I have been having dreams,vision,spiritual experiences since I was 17 years old. God has been placing it on my heart to share my dreams for a while so I decided to submit to the holy spirit and share all the dreams etc. that I have had from past to present.I cover this blog with the blood of Jesus. I pray that whom ever is suppose to see this will see. I bind the enemy attacks over the readers of this blog, the writer of this blog. In the name of Jesus. Whatever the holy-spirit lays on my heart I will share on this blog. Also if anyone would like to share a dream or interpret a dream or vision please feel free to do so. I believe God is increasing my understanding...but there are still a lot of dream that I still have ????? on.

For my vision of hell, I want to say it was a dream because I was sleep but it felt more like a spiritually experience almost like I left my body and went to hell.


I remember me walking down a dark road the road was so dark that words cant describe. I have never seen anything anything so dark. Although it was dark I could still see certain surroundings which what triggered that I was not in the right place. I walked for what seem lie miles and miles looking for help. I then saw one old house that was looked to be more than 100 years old, the paint was all scratch off the porch was decaying, the home seemed to be a haunted home.When I walked to the porch I saw a extremely tall slender man in all black standing on the porch next to a rocking chair. This man was so dark he seemed not to have a face he had black fedora hat with a long trench coat. Once I saw him this spirit of fear came completely over me, its almost like at that moment I knew he was Satan and he had been waiting for me.Almost within the split second I was transported to hell, I don't know how I got there but I was there. I remember speaking telepathically my mouth never open but I was able to think and communicate.I remember walking in what look like a prison cave that was underground, all I felt was fear and anguish in this place.  I could also feel everyone's emotion along with seeing their story as to how they got here. As I was walking I saw hundreds of cells and there were people in locked in these cells. When these souls saw me coming they knew that I was a new prisoners I could also tell that they felt almost sorry for me. It seem like they didn't want any person to come to hell. I remember looking at these people and instantly I knew there thoughts, there past life etc.I was then locked into a cell and the entire I was thinking Jesus please come and get me, I promise I will do right this time , one more chance please. Even while crying out to God, I knew it was too late, but its almost like you still have hope that one day Jesus will come and let you out. I recalled looking at a white naked girl who seem to be anorexia  and made of nothing but skin and bones, Looking back on this I came to the conclusion that your issues on earth will be your issues in Hell. Your body is not made brand new, everything heaven is hell is the complete opposite. I remember felling so sorry for her and I remember her being in complete agony.I then saw this beautiful long table that was at least 20 feet long..this table had tons of gorgeous vegetables and fruit that were very vibrant in color. The table was surrounded by a all kinds of demons. None of these demons looked the same, but I knew what they were. There was a demon at the head of the table that asked me was I hungry =, I replied "yes" "Can I please have some fruit, I'm starving". The entire table at that moment started to make a mockery and laugh at me. Within a matter of what seem like seconds I woke up. This dream effected me for a very long time, This dream took place in 1997 and it still seems like it was just last night. I can still feel the pain, the emotion, I can still close my eyes to this day almost 20 years later and see Satan standing on that porch. This experience has never made me doubt my faith that hell is real and people will being there.

Thanks for reading-
In the name of Jesus