Friday, September 2, 2016


In 1997 I had another spiritual warfare dream. The word dream is only for blogging sake. I know with out a shadow of any doubt that these occurrences are spiritual and supernatural so they dont occur in this realm so although I was sleep physically sleep,my spirit man was in battle,

I remember Satan walking into my room and standing over me, words were exchanged ( I don't remember the discussion). Within the next second he proceeded to roughly handle me throwing me around the bed and on the floor. At one point I remember him dragging me by my feet to the end and pushing me back to the top of my bed making me continually hit my head on my headboard. At that point I felt helpless and didn't know what to do. 

I tried to fight back but this only made it worse. It seem like he was moving so fast I could not keep up with which direction he was taking me or for what he was going to do next. I screamed for my mother but I knew no one could hear me. I recalled the room being lit with some light but I'm not for sure where this light came from since my room was dark. Although there was light I could never see his face or body, not even a silhouette of a figure; I just knew it was Satan. 

I don't know how long this went on, to me it seem like forever, I just remember waking up with my head hanging off the left side of my bed on my nightstand next to my little burgundy stereo. I looked around and was so confused and scared as I didn't  know what happened or why it happened.

This all before I knew that ONLY thru the BLOOD OF JESUS can you win any battle with the he enemy. The moment I realized that this was a demonic attach I should instantly said IN THE NAME OF JESUS I DEMAND YOU TO LEAVE ME KNOW IN JESUS NAME...even if you are so scared and don't know what to say you can scream JESUS...JESUS ..JESUS or think his name call him the best way you can, he will always come.

Father In the Name of Jesus I pray this blog find your people who are searching for understanding. I pray that the right person reads this blog and share with other people. I bind every demonic interference trying to block this blog from being shown. I cover this blog with the blood of Jesus who who ever is reading it. In Jesus Name.


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