I don't remember where I was at in the dream but this man whom was about 5'10, white skin, scruffy facial hair with ultra yellow blonde hair, picked me up in the air and somehow I landed perfectly on his back. Within a flash he started flying in the air. The sky was extremely pitch dark but I could see the skyline of the city.
I kept thinking to myself where in the world am I or where am I going. Although I didn't know who this man was I felt safe with him and I wasn't concern about my well-being. I should also point out that at this moment while flying I didn't know he was an angel.
While the angel was flying he was looking around as though he was searching for something or someone, he then said their they are, I remember thinking who are they??..Within a second he instantly starting flying down and we landed at the top of a building that looked like it would have been downtown. We were at the very top of a building in the parking garage. Once we landed it looked like a sense out of the Matrix Movie, that is the best way I can describe what I saw. These men all looked like normal humans but they were doing extremely high jumps at in the air, flips, their punch and kicks had so much power and force it seemed to knock the other person across the parking lot. While they were fighting I remember saying these men are not human and this is supernatural. I noticed that the cars were driving on the highway, people were parking their cars in the parking lot but no one could see what was going on.
Everything happen so fast that I couldn't believe what was happening. I only could just stand and look at what was going on. I remember saying to myself this is what goes on in the spiritual world. Within a blink of an eye I woke up.
Although we cant physically see what's going on, there is always something going on in the spiritual realm. Whether angels are fighting on our behalf, or having spiritual battles among themselves since there are good and bad angles.
In the Book of Daniel 10:13 The angel told Daniel that he was held up by the prince of the Persian and needed Michael the chief prince to help him. Where did this happen? Did anyone see this hold up take place? After having my vision this all makes since to me now. These battles could be taking right in your home but on another realm.
In the book of Enoch he goes into depth with the different Angels and their assigned authority. Angels are assigned to the solar system, sun, moon, wind, people and judgement. They are assigned to us and fight for us.
I would suggest that everyone see's the movie Divination, which came out in 2011, this movie is based on spiritual warfare on the spiritual realm. It's an excellent movie to get a better understanding of the world we can't see.
Again I would like to reiterate..I'm not here to win blogger of the year. I am only here to share my dreams and whatever the Holy Spirit places on my heart and fingers to type. So please take focus on what is being written and not how. you may see many typos and errors but the message is very understandable.
Father in the name of Jesus I cover this blog post with the blood of Jesus. I bind all interference and discord from this blog and loose the power of holy spirit and the gift of understanding.
In Jesus name Amen.
If you have questions please feel free to email me
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