Saturday, March 26, 2016


Back in 1997 when I was 17 years old  I had an experience that I will never in life forget! After my vision of hell it took me months to even sleep alone. I remember staying on the phone with my boyfriend until the weee hours of the morning or until he would fall asleep on the phone. I would sometimes run and get in the bed with my mom thinking that this would somehow protect me from Hell. What I didn't know back then was only THE BLOOD OF JESUS could protect me.


While I was sleep I remember waking up to noise to my room. When I sat up I saw at least 12 small demons surrounding my bed. I was looking around like am I dreaming>!?What is happening? I was very aware of my surroundings, I knew I was in my room, I knew my mom was in  her bedroom, I also knew that she was unaware of what was going on in my room.

The demons where all identical and did everything in unison. These demons were at least 3-4 ft tall. They were fat and round,with demonic monster looking faces. The best description I can give would be demonic looking munchkins. All of these demons had on white long robes  with red trimmings along with a Capirote KKK Hats. Each demon held long wood log sticks with fire flames coming from the top of the stick in their left hand. The fire flame was so bright my room was lit up in flames. I remember trying to find a way to run out of my room but the demons completely had my bed surrounded. 

The demons were chatting and talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Demons are thousands of years old so I really believe that have different languages I also believe that depending on their dimension it would be hard to comprehend what the are saying. It sounded like a bunch of garbling in high tones. I remember thinking to myself I am going to die. I was so afraid and had no clue what to do. Being raised baptist I was never taught about the Power of The Blood of Jesus, nor was I taught about demons or anything related to spiritual warfare. 

While I was sitting on my bad just praying to God like help me please. Everything vanished and it went completely dark.At that moment I ran in the bed with my mom. I am convinced that night that an angel intervened on my behalf. It was truly the grace of God that covered my this night. God had plans for me then and he wanted me to go through everything that I went through for a reason. Back then I had no clue what ride I was in for, this experience was just 2nd out of many many more to come. Even to this day I am still experiencing and learning.

If you ever experience a demonic attack in a dream/vision or even if they manifest in flesh. You don't need spiritually training or a special tool. Just say IN THE NAME OF JESUS I DEMAND YOU TO LEAVE MY DREAM AND PRESENCE .Just continue to say this until they are gone. Once you get to have more dreams and more experiences you will become more aware of your surroundings and whats happening at that moment and you will be able to add more to your prayer,but if you are new to spiritual warfare THE BLOOD works every-time

Check out the website DEMONBUSTERS for spiritual warfare prayers lot of information regarding Demons

Below is a picture I tried to draw of that night. As you can see drawing is not my calling..but I feel drawing this image would help me and those reading 

Excuse all typos..

In the name of Jesus

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